Official Government Website

Documents, Forms, and Guides

Professional Services Contracting

The Division of Public Works is responsible for the contracting of design and construction services for public works projects for state owned facilities for numerous state agencies.

We are committed to providing efficient and cost effective services to our client agencies.

Design Professional Services

Requests for Qualification from qualified and interested design professionals and RFQ results by date and Public Works project number.

How the RFQ process works

Responding to a Request

When a remodel or construction project has been approved by the PBFAC, the Division of Facilities and Construction follows an established process to solicit qualifications

The Request for Qualifications is posted online and published in local newspapers or business journals in accordance with Idaho Code.

Submitting Qualifications

By the specified date and time, qualifications are submitted in the form requested in the Request for Qualifications. The Division will coordinate reviewing the submitted documents with Agency personnel and, usually, an independent design professional.

Ranking of Qualified Firms

Following the opening and review of the submissions, the Division ranks the firms. Firms may or may not be interviewed; a short-list of firms may or may not be used. Following the ranking process, the recommended ranking of the firms who responded to the RFQ is submitted to the PBFAC at a regularly scheduled meeting for their approval. The DPW Professional Opportunities webpage lists the results of the ranking.

Authorization to Proceed

Upon successfully negotiating a design services agreement with the top ranked firm (or subsequently ranked firm failing that) and submission of all the required insurance documents and return to the Division of the signed agreement, the Authorization to Proceed is issued.

Appendix II: Idaho Code

Appendix IV: Boilerplate (updated February 2024)

Appendix VII: Commissioning Guidelines

Document/Form Name
Architects Supplemental Instructions SAMPLE
Bid Tab Sheet
Change Order for CM/GC
Change Order for Contractors
Change Order for Design-Build
Change Order for Service Contract
CMGC Contract Agreement Template
Conditions Precedent to Final Payment
Conditions Precedent to Final Payment for Service Contracts Over $50,000
Consent of Surety to Final Payment SAMPLE
Construction Change Directive
Contractor’s Affidavit of Payment of Debts and Claims SAMPLE
CONTRACTORS Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace Certification
Design Phase Quality Control Checklist
Design-Build Agreement SAMPLE
Design-Builder Request for Payment (Fillable)
EPA SWPPP Permit Info
Informal Bid Documents
Monthly Project Progress Meeting Agenda
Non-Compliance Notice
Off-Site Storage Memo
Pre-Construction Conference Checklist
Professional Liability Insurance Requirements Memo
Project Finalization and Start-up Form
Proposal Request
Release of Claims
Report of Deficiency Obligation (Warranty Claim Against Contractors)
Request for Payment/Schedule of Values for CM/GC
Request for Payment/Schedule of Values for Contractor
Request for Payment/Schedule of Values for Design-Build
Request for Tax Release
State Facility Use Standard Worksheet
Substantial Completion Certificate
Substantial Completion Certificate-Partial
Substantial Completion Certificate Under Construction Manager
Substitution Request
Training Confirmation Sign-in Sheet
Travel Reimbursement Rates Established by the State Board of Examiners
Utility Site Checklist

The Idaho Standards for Public Works Construction (and many other manuals) can be found at the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council.

For Roofing documents and forms, please visit our Roofing program page.

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