Official Government Website

Construction Contracting

The Division of Public Works is responsible for the contracting of design and construction services for public works projects for state owned facilities for numerous state agencies.

We are committed to providing efficient and cost effective services to our client agencies. Advertisements for bid and bid results by bid date and Public Works project number can be found below.

Public Works Contractors License (PWCL) Board

How the Bid Process Works

Requesting a Bid

When a remodel or construction project has been approved by the PBFAC, the Division of Public Works follows an established process to solicit bids.

A complete set of design documents are developed prior to the bid process. These documents include:

  • Plans and specifications,
  • Newspaper Ad for the bid; and
  • Recommendations for a time and date for the bid opening. These documents are advertised in accordance with Idaho Code. The Advertisement for Bids is posted online and published in local newspapers or business journals.

Submitting a Bid

By the specified date and time, bids are submitted on the forms in the Advertisement for Bid with the required bid bonds or surety. These bids are opened and read aloud in a location open to the public. The Division will coordinate the recording of the bids and reviewing the submitted documents.

Letter of Intent

Following the opening and review of the bids, a Letter of Intent is sent to the apparent lowest responsible and responsive bidder.

Notice to Proceed

Upon submission of all the required insurance and bonds, the contract is signed and returned to the Division, and the Notice to Proceed is issued.

Advertisement for Bid

Bid DateProject NumberProject Name
03-05-202524227Install 2nd Cooling Tower Connection, Idaho State University, Meridian, Idaho
03-11-202523460Remodel Central Receiving, College of Western Idaho, NMEC, Nampa, Idaho.

*NOTE* See Addendum 1
*NOTE* Bid Date Change - See Addendum 2
**NOTE" SEE ADDENDUM 3 - BID OPENING HAS BEEN CANCELED - Will re-bid at a later time
03-27-202524300(REBID) Pocatello Office Renovation, Idaho Department of Labor, Pocatello Idaho
04-15-202525352SHS Patient Treatment Facility C & D Wings Bathroom Remodel, Department of Health and Welfare, Blackfoot, ID
04-15-202523333 (REBID) Pocatello FMS 5 Wash Rack, Division of Military, Pocatello, Idaho
04-22-2525113Campus Sidewalk Replacement & Classroom Emergency Exit Wheelchair Access, IESDB, Gooding, Idaho
4-23-202524354 (REBID) SHS, Patient Treatment Facility, Expand Unit Fence, Department of Health and Welfare, Blackfoot, Idaho.
4-24-202525460NMEC Welding Expansion, College of Western Idaho, Nampa, Idaho

Construction Manager/General Contractor Services

Submission DateProject NumberProject Name
02-18-2524310Addition/Remodel Regional Office, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Pocatello, Idaho
02-18-2522513Combined Labs, Idaho State Police, Meridian Idaho

Exhibit A: Schematic Basis of Design Document

Exhibit B: CM/GC Contract Template

Exhibit C: Site Plan with Phasing

Addendum 1

Addendum 2

Addendum 3
03-06-2524246Repair Utility Tunnel, Ph 2, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho
04-02-2525110Residential Cottages, Idaho Educational Services for the Deaf and the Blind, Gooding, ID

Design-Build Opportunities

Submission DateProject NumberProject Name
02-25-2525063100 Bed Minimum Security Dormitory, Department of Correction, Orofino, Idaho

Site Study

Addendum No. 1

Recent Construction Bid Results

Archived Bid Results: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018

Submission DateProject Number Project NameContractorBase BidAlternatesNotice of Intent Issued
03-12-2522511District #6 Facility, Idaho State Police, Idaho Falls, IdahoPetra$10,368,9231. $1,210,034
2. $32,049
3. $48,260
Faber$11,470,0001. $1,127,200
2. $61,700
3. $143,600
Ormond Builders$11,099,3351. $1,183,800
2. $29,800
3. $69,200
ESI$11,308,2171. $1,242,509
2. $48,132
3. $65,649
Bateman-Hall$9,417,5001. $1,067,500
2. $28,500
3. $44,000
Pacific West$10,007,4111. $1,126,167
2. $33,240
3. $50,147
ACM$10,712,4461. $1,645,000
2. $11,310
3. $26,440
03-07-2524452Shafer Butte, Roof Hardening & Reinforcement, Public Safety Communications, Boise, IDRoman Roofs Inc. $56,111
Idaho Roofing Partners

02-18-2524131Roof Replacement, EIWC Building, College of Eastern, Idaho Falls, IdahoContract West Roofing

Robison Roofing$220,508$63,5003-18-25
Smith Roofing$234,406$93,110
02-05-2523231Replace Floor & Understructure, Lobby, Reed Gym, Idaho State University, Pocatello, IdahoAlpine Construction Management, LLC$304,661
CR Clark Construction, LLC$347,502
01-30-2524300Pocatello Office Renovation, Idaho Department of Labor, Pocatello, Idaho

CR Clark Construction, LLC
Alpine Construction Management, LLC
Idaho Construction, LLC (Petra)
Engineered Structures, Inc.
Construction Solutions Co.

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