Meeting Schedule
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month, except November which meets on the first Thursday or if in conflict with a holiday or another circumstance. Please check our website prior to each meeting for updates as locations, dates, and times are subject to change. All agendas are posted 1 week prior to the next scheduled meeting.
PBFAC Monthly Meeting Details & Agenda
Date | Time | Agenda & Location |
March 4, 2025 | 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM MT | Agenda 03-04-25 Please Note: Agendas are posted 1 week prior to the scheduled meeting. In Person Meeting Location: West Conference Room, JRW Building 700 W State Street, Boise, Idaho |
Join Monthly PBFAC Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 869 1009 5721 Passcode: 055801 To download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system, select the link below. Monthly PBFAC Meeting iCal file with Zoom Details |
The Permanent Building Fund Advisory Council was established in 1961 when an ongoing revenue source was created. Its five (5) members are appointed by the Governor with fixed terms, and they serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Council is comprised of one (1) member of the Senate, one (1) member of the House of Representatives, a citizen engaged in the contracting business, a citizen engaged in the banking business, and a citizen who is a member of the business community not engaged in contracting or banking. The Senate member and House of Representatives member are appointed for a fixed term of two (2) years. All other Council members are appointed for a fixed term of three (3) years.
The Council members receive no compensation other than per diem and travel expenses. The Council generally meets on a monthly basis; however, meeting frequency is determined by workload and is not a statutory requirement.
The Council meets in Boise during the majority of the year. However, it meets once a year in northern Idaho and once a year in southeastern Idaho. At the northern and southeastern Idaho meetings, the Council visits various construction projects and discusses future needs and funding requests with state agencies. During one of the spring meetings in Boise, the Council tours current and potential construction sites and meets with state agency representatives located in southwest Idaho regarding their needs.
Council Policies
Council Policies as of September 2022
Council Members
Contractor Member Nampa, Idaho | Member Since: Term Expires: |
Dee Jameson, Community Member Hayden, Idaho | Member Since: 07-30-2007 Term Expires: 07-01-2025 |
Clint Shiflet, Banking Member Idaho Central Credit Union Boise, Idaho | Member Since: 07-01-2022 Term Expires: 07-01-2025 |
Senator Dave Lent, Senate Member Idaho State Senate Idaho Falls, Idaho | Member Since: 01-07-2023 Term Expires: 01-07-2025 |
Representative Mark Sauter, House Member Idaho State House of Representatives Sandpoint, Idaho | Member Since: 01-07-2023 Term Expires: 01-07-2025 |